Eating Habits

Eating Habits is an example project using data from the ‘One Day in History’ Project. This project looked at the influence of history on people’s lives and asked the public to submit a diary for 17 October 2006.

More information about the project and the original diaries can be found in the UK web archive at: by clicking on the ‘Archived 12 Dec 2006’ button.
Many of the diaries talked about food and the Eating Habits NVivo project illustrates a variety of techniques by exploring eating and attitudes to food in 20 of the diaries.

The NVivo project is available in NVivo11 for both Mac and PC. Two versions are available: a complete project including attributes, sets, search folders and models and a version which just contains coding. A casebook is also available which can be used to import attributes into the coding only version.

Full NVivo11 Project: EatingHabits20NV11.nvpx
Coding only NVivo Project: EatingHabits20-CodingNV11.nvpx
Casebook of attributes: EatingHabitsCasebook.txt

Full NVivo11 Project: EatingHabits20NV11.nvp
Coding only NVivo Project: EatingHabits20-CodingNV11.nvp
Casebook of attributes: EatingHabitsCasebook.xlsx